Sunday, January 18, 2015

How Being a Stay-At-Home Wife Changed My Life

Choosing to be a stay at home wife and homemaker has changed my life.  Before my decision I was so consumed with my job that I never had time to relax and enjoy what life is really all about. I even
took work with me on vacations.

Looking back over the years I can see how my choice is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Ten years ago I met my husband and when we got married we started trying to have a family. A year went by and no baby so we went to a reproductive specialist and the number one thing he said was to get rid of the stress in our lives.  And the number one stress factor in my life was my job so I quit and became a full time housewife.  Sadly though after many drugs, countless doctor visits and denied adoption I am still not a mother however I am a great wife and daughter.

Staying home has granted me the opportunity to make my husband's life easier.  Sometimes I joke and say I am my husband's secretary. But in truth I really don't mind making his doctor appointments, running errands for him or even picking up after him.  My biggest joy in these tasks is knowing he doesn't have to worry about them which allows him to focus on being the best husband and provider he can be.

Another way staying at home has changed my life is it has allowed me the opportunity to  enrich my relationship with my mother. For the past ten years we have gone to Bible study together, visited museum exhibits, gone to many luncheons, attended our local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) meetings and even studied Shakespeare at our Woman's Shakespeare Club meetings.  My father is not fairing well with his health lately and by being a stay at home wife has freed me up to go to the hospital anytime I am needed which is the biggest help I can be to my mother.

Back when I was working full time I'll never forget sitting at the picnic table where we were camping in the mountains of New Mexico grading papers during my Spring Break.  Our vacations had to coincide with the school schedule which means the tourist destinations were crowded for all the other families vacationing during the school breaks too.  Now we can go where we want anytime and usually we pick an off season destination and practically have the place to ourselves.  The prices are usually better too during those times and so we are saving money as well.

Since making the decision to stay home I have been able to do some volunteer work that is dear to my heart.  One is teaching ladies Bible study at my church on Tuesday mornings and the other is being a leader at Vacation Bible School.  I can also help more on committees for my DAR and Shakespeare groups.

As a stay home wife I have also improved my cooking skills.  Before I would pick up take-out on the way home from work or I heated a frozen dinner in the microwave.  Now I sit on Sunday evenings going through my cookbooks deciding on what the weekly menu will be.  I love my cookbook collection.  I have bought most of them from places in our travels.  And preparing our meals at home has saved us so much money and the food is healthier.

But the number one way being a full-time homemaker has changed my life is it has taken away the stress.  Stress has been known to cause a myriad of problems including high blood pressure, ulcers and even mental break-downs. So I could say being a full-time homemaker hasn't just changed my life it has saved it too.

There is a good article on this subject by Charles Murry called The Crucial Importance of Stay-At-Home Wives.

But when either partner in a marriage—and it will usually be the wife—chooses to devote full time to being a parent and neighbor instead, that choice should not just be accepted, but celebrated. ~Charles Murray 

Are you a stay at home wife with no children?  I'd love to hear from you.  Just leave a comment below.

Thank you for taking time to read my ramblings.